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- Most shareware is every bit as good as commercial software but
- it does have some differences. Usually the instructions for running
- the software are stored on the disk in .DOC or .TXT files. You may
- also find file names like READ.ME or README.1ST. Before running the
- programs you should read these files to determine how to install or
- run the software.
- DOS provides only one very poor method for viewing text files,
- the TYPE command. Simply enter the command, TYPE FILENAME.DOC, then
- use the pause and return keys to scroll through the document.
- (There are many programs available that allow you to view text files
- the same way you are viewing this one.)
- You can print the document by entering the command, COPY
- FILENAME.DOC PRN:. This will cause the document to be printed out
- on your printer.
- As you try out new software you will find many different types of
- files. The type of file is usually denoted by it's extension. Below
- is a list of the more common file types and their meaning.
- FILENAME.EXE - An executable file. Just type the filename without the
- extension to execute the program.
- FILENAME.COM - A command file. Operates the same as an executable
- file.
- FILENAME.BAS - This type of file requires a BASIC interpreter to run.
- It must be used in conjunction with a program like
- GWBASIC or BASICA. Usually you can learn more about
- the program by "listing" it out and reading the
- internal comments.
- FILENAME.DOC - This is a documentation file. Most always contains
- documentation for the program it comes with.
- FILENAME.TXT - Sometimes used for documentation. Most often used for
- information files, not necessarily related to
- programs.
- FILENAME.ZIP - This means the file has been archived. Will need to be
- "un-arced" before using. Other more common archive
- extensions are, .ARC, .LZH, .PAK. Chestnut uses the
- .ZIP extension.
- FILENAME.BAT - This is a batch file, one of the most useful features
- of DOS. Batch files may contain any DOS commands. They
- can display text and perform loops to vastly reduce
- repetitive keystrokes. Batch files are invoked like
- .EXE or .COM files, they will then execute each line
- in the batch file as if it were entered from the
- command line. A special batch file named, AUTOEXEC
- .BAT, will automatically execute when the computer is
- "booted". To create a BATCH file you must use a text
- editor not a word processor. DOS provide a simple
- text editor called EDLIN.COM. (See your DOS manual
- for more instructions on creating and using batch
- files.)
- FILENAME.DAT - This type of file will almost always contains data
- that the program needs or has created.
- There will also be many different graphics or picture extensions.
- (.PIC. .IMG, .GIF, .RLE, etc...) Usually graphics with different
- extensions are created differently and are not compatible, although
- there are several programs that read and convert different formats.
- File extensions can be any thing you choose, so there will many
- that are program specific.
- Some programs in the catalog will require a compatible version
- of the BASIC programming language to run, usually GWBASIC or BASICA.
- Using BASICA as an example you can run BASIC programs by having
- BASICA.EXE and the BASIC program, FILENAME.BAS in the same directory,
- then typing, BASICA FILENAME. ( Leave off the .BAS extension.) You
- can also run them by invoking BASIC, then typing the command, RUN
- ******************************************************************
- Shareware is software marketed on a "Try before you buy"
- basis. The price per disk that Shareware distributors charge
- is a distribution fee and not the price of the software.
- Shareware authors have agreed to allow vendors (like us) to
- recover expenses for copying, packaging, and maintaining a
- shareware library. This allows you to obtain software programs
- at incredibly low prices to try, then pay the registration
- price for them only if they suit your needs. The idea is
- that after a reasonable trial period, if you find the
- programs to be of use, you are expected to send the author
- the registration fee.
- Registration entitles you to various rights and
- benefits. These include such basic things as the legal (and
- moral) right to continue using the software. In addition many
- shareware authors offer printed documentation and/or higher
- levels of service and support. Unlike Public Domain software,
- which is free to everyone with no fees asked for or
- expected, shareware programs exist because the authors
- expect and deserve the registration support from people
- who use their programs.
- So that's Shareware. If you like it, support it !
- ******************************************************************
- ASP wants to make sure the Shareware principle works for
- you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
- with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may
- be able to help. The ASP Ombudsperson can help you resolve a
- dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
- technical support for members products.
- ASP Ombudsperson
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442
- Shareware is not just a novel idea. It is a real solution
- to the Program Author's distribution problems and the Software
- consumer's high prices. It's simply great for everyone, but
- will work only if Author's keep their promises and consumer's
- pay for the products they use. So if you like the shareware
- concept, support it and register programs you use!